Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Live. Laugh. Love.

I miss you making fun of me and me making fun of you. I miss playing video games. I miss taking jokes too far. I miss being overly considerate of each other. I miss eating mozzarella balls and tomatoes and longanisa with vinegar with you. I miss taking pictures of you. I miss getting ready to go out with you. I miss your motivating messages.

I miss talking to you. I miss iChatting with you. I miss dancing with you. I miss laughing with you.

Most of all I just miss YOU.

Yesterday Laurie and I were talking about when people's "time" comes. And I believe that you did not go before your time. You lived such a FULL life, but I very selfishly want you back. Please don't ever appear to be any further than you already are. I like feeling that you're still everywhere, everyday, visiting everyone. I know when we meet again, it will be the most amazing reunion.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I hope you laugh hard today!

Goodnight <3

1 comment:

  1. Awww tear :') this is exactly the way she wanted you to remember her Chris.
